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Company Policy

Company Policy

The R.WEISS GROUP is known worldwide as a specialist in packaging machines, packaging systems, block heat and power plants, emergency power units, transport systems for general cargo, industrial automation, driverless transport systems, roller conveyors, portals, pallet transfer conveyors, vertical roller conveyors and skid systems as well as in services.

As a company group, we are committed to the fulfillment of all requirements on

  • Quality and its overarching aspects
  • Environment as well as occupational health and safety
  • Energy
  • Sustainability and its social aspects

The company policy is accessible to the public at any time and can be viewed / requested or downloaded from the homepage. Further data and information is, however, not communicated to the public.

Company Policy of the R.WEISS Group (Download PDF)

Reporting of compliance violations

The R.WEISS Group and its individual greatly value a corporate culture marked by open and mutual trust. Thus, we encourage every employee to turn to his usual contacts within the company, in particular superiors or the local Management Board as well as the responsible Compliance Officer, in the event of any compliance risk. The same applies for our business partners and any other persons who would lie to report any suspected compliance violations.

With the following contact form you can give specific information on compliance violations.

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