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R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Turnkey Linie


Exhibitions & Events

FachPack 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany


R.WEISS Packaging GmbH & Co. KG will showcase its innovative and highly flexible UNIROB toploading packaging machines at FACHPACK 2024 in Nuremberg from September 24 to 26, 2024. These machines are designed for products of all kinds in the fields of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemicals, confectionery and bakery goods, as well as food and non-food items.

FACHPACK 2024, Halle 3C - Stand 3C-154

Innovative Packaging Technologies for a Wide Range of Industries

R.WEISS Packaging GmbH & Co. KG will showcase its innovative and highly flexible UNIROB toploading packaging machines at FACHPACK 2024 in Nuremberg from September 24 to 26, 2024. These machines are designed for products of all kinds in the fields of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemicals, confectionery and bakery goods, as well as food and non-food items.


Flexible and Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Complex Challenges

The UNIROB technology presented by R.WEISS at FACHPACK demonstrates an impressive portfolio of powerful and innovative packaging solutions. Thanks to a modular design combined with intelligent control technology and streamlined mechanics, R.WEISS develops highly efficient and highly flexible packaging systems that can be used for the most complex challenges. The UNIROB technology covers the entire end-of-line packaging process.

R.WEISS will present an innovative mixing system of the modernized UNIROB technology at FACHPACK. This system has been completely redesigned to be even more energy-efficient and equipped with smarter control technology. This contributes to sustainable production for users. The new, protected info panel and status light strip are highlights, as they significantly simplify machine operation monitoring and error correction. The continuous light strip along the entire line continuously shows the status of each cell through color visualization, allowing operators to always have an overview of the current production conditions.

The UNIROB toploading system allows different varieties or flavors of a product to be individually configured according to a predetermined or customizable customer-specific mixing ratio and grouped into point-of-sale cartons using a robot in the toploading process. This turnkey packaging system ensures the highest efficiency in logistical processes, as the transport and sales packaging maintains its perfect condition through careful handling in the packaging process and can be reused for point-of-sale. The sophisticated packaging process enables the reuse of material resources, which is not only sustainable but also brings significant cost savings, as the mixed cartons require less shelf space compared to pure product placements.

The products are fed to the UNIROB system on several feed belts sorted by type and grouped into corresponding format-specific groupings by R.WEISS delta robots. A six-axis robot then places the product formats into the original cartons. After filling, the carton is transferred to the robot-based lid module, which applies the reused lids. Finally, the mixed cartons are placed back on Euro pallets by a UNIROB palletizing system. The UNIROB technology, which functions as a mixing system here, can of course also be used as a classic toploading packaging technology for all the other aforementioned industries.


Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und besuchen Sie uns auf der FachPack in Nürnberg (24. - 26. September 2024) auf unserem Stand und erleben Sie hochflexible Endverpackungstechnik.

Lernen Sie die neue Oberklasse kennen: Die neue Generation UNIROB.

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