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R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Pickerlinie
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R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Turnkey Linie


Additional bookable services

Hotline and remote control with defined response time

With our hotline service, you will receive a personalized phone number. This is on standby on working days from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.

The phone number is assigned to one of several R.WEISS technical service representatives who are qualified to advise the caller immediately. If a fault analysis is required via remote maintenance, this will be coordinated for further processing by an R.WEISS control technician familiar with the system within a previously defined time.

On-site service with defined response time:

If the function of the system cannot be restored by remote maintenance, a technical employee will leave for the installation site of the respective R.WEISS machine or system within a previously defined time.


We will be happy to offer you a service concept to suit your requirements on request.