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R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Pickerlinie
R.WEISS Pickerlinie platziert Cookies in Verpackung
R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Turnkey Linie



Packaging machines which meets the highest standards

In the packaging of cosmetic products, in addition to an attractively high-quality design, the optimal protection against light and spoilage as well as perfect hygiene also play a important role.

Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, creams, cosmetics as well as toothpaste belong to the daily body care. Our UNIROB machines and systems are used for all piece products which can be placed into containers by means of toploading.

Leistungsspektrum R.WEISS Kosmetik
Leistungsspektrum R.WEISS Kosmetik
Toploading Verpackungsanlage für Tuben.

The packaging solutions of R.WEISS have to fulfill very special requirements in the cosmetics sector:

  • Absolute flexibility with regard to changing products and formats
  • High flexibility in product or packaging changes
  • Full automatic change of robot tools with storage inside the robot cell
  • Packaging system can be flexibly extended by modular design
  • Product and packing material feeding is possible from all sides
  • Optimal machine accessibility for operators, maintenance and cleaning
  • Maximum packaging performance delivered by integrated Delta-Picker

With the UNIROB packaging machines, we are able to to meet your individual product requirements and requests. We pack all your products, whether they are plastic bottles, tubes of different formats, bags or glass bottles. The grouping of products according to a given pack pattern is no issue for us and our packaging solutions.

UNIROB Toploading Packaging Line for tubes