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R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Pickerlinie
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R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Turnkey Linie




Qualified personnel is an indispensable prerequisite for the safe and effective use of complex systems such as our UNIROB packaging systems. The operator fulfills functions such as the monitoring and controlling of the machine, but also he has other tasks like maintenance and the incident management.

In this case, prevention and troubleshooting of all kinds of incidents constitutes a significant problem as those breakdowns occur either rarely or, often, not at all during the ongoing operation, and they ideally should not occur as well. Therefore, there is always the need to train the staff initially in a quality manner and also to train them on an ongoing basis.

R.WEISS Group Service Training Mitarbeiterschulung vor Ort

We prepare the operators optimally for the upcoming tasks by carefully planned training units either in our premises before the machine is delivered or at the customer's premises during the installation and commissioning phase.The learning contents of the training courses include, among others, information and training modules for operation, maintenance, reapir, format change and replacement of spare parts.