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R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Pickerlinie
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R.WEISS UNIROB Pharma Turnkey Linie


Planning & Engineering

Good planning is the base for every project

No one knows your product better than you. We therefore create concepts and customer-specific packaging solutions, always in close cooperation with our customers. We carefully select the appropriate technology and design of the modules with regard to the overall cost-effectiveness. In the mean time we certainly always take into account your individual requirements.

Our development and construction engineers are involved in the project planning right from the beginning. This includes not only a visit to your production facility but also discussions with your experts from product development and production. In this way, we learn about your general requirements and details which can not be documented in a specification.

Based on those findings, we continue with the design and construction of a UNIROB toploading concept for the flexible packaging of your products tailored to your individual requirements and needs.

In addition to planning and desingn of the machine and system concepts, our engineers also conduct process analysis, carry out process optimizations, make planning of logistics processes, and if required get involved in packaging developments.

In the course of the realization of Turnkey lines, the selection, procurement and integration of suitable suppliers are also carried out upon request. This means that you always have a competent team of experts led by experienced project managers and engineers, for the realization of your project.

R.WEISS Planung und Engineering vor Ort
R.WEISS Planung und Engineering, Mitarbeiter in der Projektbesprechung
R.WEISS Planung und Engineering, Projektplanung am Arbeitsplatz

Your advantages:

  • Planning and engineering of complete machine and system concepts
  • Execution of process analysis and process optimization, planning of logistics processes and support in packaging developments
  • Innovative, efficient and modularly expandable packaging concepts which takes your spatial conditions into account
  • Mechanical and electrical planning and design of packaging lines including programming, controls and connection to your internal systems
  • In-house production of certain assemblies and format parts ensures longer and fast availability of spare parts
  • The machine and sytem components are specifically selected according to technical and economical aspects from the extensive modular system as well as from proven partners and suppliers
  • Highest quality and ease of use as well as maximum safety and cost-effectiveness